OpenTraceability SDK

Open Traceability is a set of open-source libraries designed to facilitate the implementation of the GDST (Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability) traceability standard. This project is generously funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation.

This documentation provides an overview of how to utilize the libraries in two popular programming languages: Java and C#. The project is currently being translated to support TypeScript, with other languages to be added in the future based on demand.

You can access the open-source libraries on GitHub:

Libraries Installation

For C# projects, you can find the OpenTraceability packages on Nuget Feed at:

For Java projects, you can find the OpenTraceability library at:

Ensure you have the proper environment to run these libraries:

  • C# (.net 7)
  • Java

If you encounter any issues with the libraries, please contact Peter Heggelund at

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